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3.5 Makefile Locations

3.5.1 Library Makefile

Each time you build a new version of a Threads.h++ library, SPM creates one or more makefiles and writes them into:

For example, if you build a version of the Threads.h++ 2.0 library using MSVC 6.0 on Windows NT 4.0, and the library you build is a build type 7s for the Execution Tracing package, the resulting makefile will be located in the following directory:

Operating system and compiler mnemonics are listed in Appendix A. The buildtype information is explained in Section 2.5.

3.5.2 Examples Makefiles

If you compiled the examples, associated makefiles are located in

and its subdirectories.

For example, if you compiled the Threads.h++ 2.0 libraries using MSVC on Windows NT, and the libraries you build are build type 7s for the Execution Tracing package, the example makefiles will be located in the following directory:

Appendix A lists the mnemonics for all the compilers and operating systems that Rogue Wave certifies. SPM appends version numbers to the mnemonics for your compiler and operating system. Section 2.5 explains buildtype information.

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