Threads.h++ 2.0 has been engineered to be source-compatible with Threads.h++ 1.4. It is not link-compatible. You must edit your make files to reflect the new library names, recompile your existing code, and relink to the new libraries. For instructions, see rw_root\docs\thrread.doc.
Although SPM places the header files for the Threads.h++ 2.0 classes in a different location from version 1.4, version 2.0 provides header files in the old location (rw\thr) with #include statements that point to the new header files. However, you must change the workspace include path in all relevant makefiles or IDE projects.
Threads.h++ 2.0 uses typedefs and #defines to ensure that the old class names and macros still work, except for the RWSynchObject::enableCancellation() function. See the Threads.h++ User's Guide for more information.
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