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2.5 Build Types

Build types are shown as <buildtype> in this manual. They are used in the workspaces directory structure (described in Section 2.3) and in library names (described in Section 2.4).

Build types use the following encoding scheme:

Table 8 explains this scheme.

Table 8 -- Build type encoding

The build number. Possible build type numbers for this product and the build that they specify are:
8 = single thread, no debugging features
11 = single thread, symbolic debugging and assertions
12 = multithread, no debugging features
15 = multithread, symbolic debugging and assertions
The library binding:1
s = static
d = Unix shared
A user-defined library name suffix used to distinguish custom build configurations. By default, <suffix> is blank. The SPM online help explains how to add or edit customized build configurations.
1For Windows DLLs, a minor version number is added immediately after the product mnemonic. For example, a DLL built using library version 1.2.3 might be std311d.dll.

For example, if you have a static, multithreaded library with symbolic debugging and assertions, the build type is:

The same library could have a user-defined library name suffix such as _test as in this example:

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