Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Technical Information
2.1 Databases and Connections
2.2 Datatypes
2.2.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes
2.2.2 Using Identity Columns
2.3 Expressions
2.3.1 Global Functions
2.4 Cursors
2.5 BulkReader and BulkInserter
2.6 Stored Procedures
2.6.1 Creating a Stored Procedure
2.6.2 Executing Stored Procedures
2.6.3 Fetching Stored Procedure Parameters
2.6.4 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProcedure Using Schema Data
2.7 Internationalization
2.7.1 Character Sets
2.8 Transaction Processing
2.8.1 Setting Isolation Levels
2.8.2 Using Transaction Control Methods
2.9 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus
2.9.1 Reporting Errors from DB-Library
2.9.2 Reporting Errors from SQL Server
2.10 Result Sets
2.11 Using Text and Image Data
2.12 Contents of RWDBSystemHandle
2.12.1 DB Process
2.12.2 Login Record
2.12.3 Cursor Type
2.12.4 Logging Text Updates
2.12.5 Text Threshold
2.12.6 Text Size
2.12.7 Using RWDBSybDbLibSystemHandle
2.13 Contents of RWDBEnvironmentHandle
2.13.1 Login Timeout
2.13.2 Timeout
2.13.3 Default Language
2.13.4 National Language
2.13.5 Interfaces File
2.13.6 Client Character Set
2.13.7 Application Name
2.13.8 Host Name
2.13.9 Maximum Processes
2.13.10 Packet Size
2.13.11 Encrypt
2.13.12 Enable Security
2.13.13 Security Labels
2.13.14 Foreign Keys from Views
2.13.15 Using RWDBSybDbLibEnvironmentHandle
Appendix A: System Tables and Stored Procedures
Topic Index
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