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2.12 Result Sets

In the DBTools.h++ paradigm, all results are tables. Class RWDBTable encapsulates a single result set, class RWDBResult encapsulates a sequence of zero or more tables, and the classes RWDBReader, RWDBBulkReader, and RWDBCursor each provide a mechanism for reading data from a table. Result sets can also be produced as cursor parameters in stored procedures and PL/SQL Blocks. See Section 2.17.5.

Results are created and data is exchanged between the Oracle Server and DBTools.h++ via the OCI calls oparse(), odescr(), odefin(), oexec(), oexn(), and ofen(). Deferred parsing is used.

In all cases, results are requested from the Oracle Server several rows at a time. The number of rows requested is determined from the expected sizes of each column. Requesting several rows at a time reduces the number of network messages between the application and the Oracle Server, and consequently increases the application's processing speed.

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