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2.13 Large Character and Binary Data

Under normal circumstances, text and binary data is formatted and added to an SQL statement for execution by the Oracle8 Server. The formatting of the data is automatically handled by the DBTools.h++ Oracle8 access library. However, when large character and binary data is provided to the RWDBCursor, RWDBInserter, or RWDBUpdater classes, the DBTools.h++ Oracle8 access library uses another method to bind the data to the statement. This method allows larger values to be inserted and updated.

The OCI documentation suggests there is a limitation as to the lengths of large character or binary data. This is also true for allocations of memory within a specific operating system. In either case, the Oracle8 access library returns RWDBStatus::notSupported if the implementation cannot process the given data because the length exceeds the capabilities of OCI. In 16-bit DOS implementations, the size of large character or binary data is limited to 64K.

Oracle8 also has limitations on using large character and binary data. Only one LONG or LONG RAW column can be specified per table. LONG or LONG RAW columns cannot be used in conditional clauses, such as WHERE clauses. However, selecting more than one LONG or LONG RAW column is possible through joins of tables.

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