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4.2 Transforms of Real Sequences

It is worth discussing the difference between DComplexFFTServer and DoubleFFTServer. Say you want to transform a real sequence of N points V(j), j=0, ..., N-1. Note that the transform of a real sequence is a complex conjugate-even sequence, that is, a sequence where C(j) = conj(C(-j)) = conj(C(N-j)). How can you calculate the transform? In general, you have two choices:

The DoubleFFTServer uses the second approach. Because the result is a complex conjugate-even sequence, the DoubleFFTServer returns only the lower half of the sequence, which saves considerable time. Here is an example illustrating the two approaches:

Program output (exact results depend on machine precision):

A close inspection shows that the full transformed sequence using the first approach is complex-conjugate even. The second approach, using the DoubleFFTServer, returns only the lower half of that sequence. The global function expandConjugateEven() can be used to expand it into the full N-point conjugate-even sequence. See the Global Function Reference for more information.

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