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Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)


#include "rw/rwerr.h"
RWxmsg x("exception message");


Class RWxmsg is the base class for the Tools.h++ hierarchy of exceptions, which is used by Math.h++. Although we document the entire class here, your code usually should not create or directly throw RWxmsg objects. Instead, you should write code that may catch an RWxmsg or one of its derived classes. Classes that need to report exceptional circumstances call RWTHROW(RWxmsg&). RWTHROW throws the RWxmsg if exceptions are enabled. Otherwise, RWTHROW calls the current error handler function. For more information, see Section 8.1.5 of the Math.h++ User's Guide, or the Tools.h++ documentation.

Public Constructors

RWxmsg(const char*msg);
RWxmsg(const RWMessage& rwmsg);
RWxmsg(const RWxmsg&);

Protected Constructor

RWxmsg(const char* msg, RWBoolean doCopy);

Public Member Functions

const char*
why() const;

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