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2.4 Library Names

Math.h++ libraries for Unix use this encoding scheme:

Math.h++ libraries for Windows use this encoding scheme:

Both of these schemes are explained in Table 7.

Table 7 -- Library name encoding

Indicates that this is a library. (Unix only.)
Indicates the library type:
mth indicates the Math.h++ core library. bla indicates the BLA library provided with Math.h++.
Indicates the build type, explained in Section 2.5.
Indicates the extension:
For Windows static libraries and DLL import libraries, the extension is lib. For Windows DLLs, the extension is dll. For Unix, the extension naming convention varies from one platform to another. Here are some possible values:
.a = static library (ns.a for AIX)
.so, .sl, etc. = shared library, depending upon the platform Note: Always use the library binding character to determine whether a library is static or shared.

For example, if you use a Unix compiler to build a multithreaded, static library that provides symbolic debugging and assertions, the resulting library name is:

The same library built using any compiler on Windows NT or Windows 95 is named:

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