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1.3 Product Dependencies

1.3.1 Math.h++ and Tools.h++

You must use the SPM to install and build a compatible Tools.h++ library before you attempt to build Math.h++. A compatible Tools.h++ library is one that was built using the same platform and build options that will be used to compile Math.h++.

For a list of the version-specific dependencies for Math.h++, see the file named dependencies.html in <rw_root>/htmldocs/mth<ver>bd.

If you own an earlier version of Tools.h++ you may have received an unlock key for an updated version with this CD. If you didn't receive a key, you may still be entitled to a free upgrade. For upgrade information, please call the toll-free number that appears on your CD package label or visit our web site:

If you use Rogue Wave's Standard C++ Library with Tools.h++, be sure to upgrade to the most recent verstion of Standard C++ Library at the same time you upgrade Tools.h++.

1.3.2 Math.h++ and LAPACK.h++

If you plan to use Math.h++ with Rogue Wave's LAPACK.h++ library, pay special attention to the special instructions provided in Chapter 3.

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