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2.4 Expressions

Due to limitations in SQL servers, there are some restrictions on the use of DBTools.h++ expressions.

2.4.1 Global Functions

Table 4 lists restrictions on the global functions associated with RWDBExpr.

Table 4 -- Restrictions on the use of global functions with RWDBExpr

rwdbAvg(const RWDBExpr&)
None. Corresponds to: AVG(expr)
rwdbCast(const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBValue&)

None. Corresponds to:
{fn CONVERT(expr, expr)}
rwdbCast(const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBValue&,
const RWDBExpr&)

Same as the two-expression form, as Microsoft SQL Server does not support this form.
rwdbCast(const RWBDExpr&,
const RWDBValue&,
const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBExpr&)

Same as the two-expression form, as Microsoft SQL Server does not support this form.
rwdbCharLength(const RWDBExpr&)
None. Corresponds to: {fn LENGTH(expr)}
None. Corresponds to: COUNT(*)
rwdbCount(const RWDBExpr&)
None. Corresponds to: COUNT(expr)
rwdbCountDistinct(const RWDBExpr&)
None. Corresponds to:
None. Corresponds to: {fn USER_NAME ()}
rwdbExists(const RWDBSelectorBase&)
None. Corresponds to: EXISTS sel
rwdbLower(const RWDBExpr&)
None. Corresponds to: {fn LCASE(expr)}
rwdbMax(const RWDBExpr&)
None. Corresponds to: MAX(expr)
rwdbMin(const RWDBExpr&)
None. Corresponds to: MIN(expr)
rwdbName(const RWCString&,
const RWDBExpr&)

None. Corresponds to: string = expr
rwdbPosition(const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBExpr&)

None. Corresponds to:
{fn LOCATE(expr, expr)}
None. Corresponds to: {fn USER_NAME() }
rwdbSubString(const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBExpr&)

None. Corresponds to:
(expr0, expr1, fn LENGTH(expr0))}

rwdbSubString(const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBExpr&)

None. Corresponds to:
{fn SUBSTRING(expr0, expr1, expr2)}
rwdbSum(const RWDBExpr&)
None. Corresponds to: SUM(expr)
None. Corresponds to: { fn NOW() }
None. Corresponds to: { fn SUSER_NAME() }
rwdbTrimLeading(const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBExpr&)

None. Corresponds to: LTRIM(expr1)
rwdbTrimTrailing(const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBExpr&)

None. Corresponds to: RTRIM(expr1)
rwdbTrimBoth(const RWDBExpr&,
const RWDBExpr&)

None. Corresponds to: LTRIM(RTRIM(expr1))
rwdbUpper(const RWDBExpr&)
None. Corresponds to: {fn UCASE(expr)}

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