Table 5 lists the C++ and Java examples and briefly describes what they do.
Java name | C++ name | Description | | currexam.cpp | A very simple example using the RWCurrencyBook/CurrencyBook class. The example illustrates how to initialize a currency book object from a file and how to access currency information using it. | |
example1.cpp |
A very simple example illustrating how decimals give exact results, whereas floating-point values have built-in rounding errors. | |
factoryexam.cpp |
An example illustrating the use of the class RWExchangeFactory/ExchangeFactory. A factory contains an exchange rate table and at least one exchange group. Exchange groups can construct exchange objects, which are used to perform currency conversions. When presented with a source/target currency pair the exchange factory searches its list of exchange groups until it finds a group that can create an exchange object given the source/target pair and the factory's associated exchange rate table. If no group can create such an object,the factory returns an invalid (or nul, in Java) object. | |
format1.cpp |
Simple example illustrating that the RWDecimalFormat/MoneyFormat class can be used to do simple formatting of RWMoney/Money objects. | |
format2.cpp |
An example of how to format a large data set of money. A sales report is generated in two different styles using the same data. | |
groupexam.cpp |
Illustrates the use of exchange groups and of RWExchangeFactory/ ExchangeFactory. A factory contains an exchange rate table and at least one exchange group. Exchange groups can construct exchange objects, which are used to perform currency conversions. When presented with a source/target currency pair, the exchange factory searches its list of exchange groups until it finds one that can create an exchange object given the source/target pair and the factory's associated exchange rate table. If no group can create such an object an invalid object is returned in C++ or a null value is returned in Java. In this example an exchange factory object is created and three exchange groups are added including our own creation, a US dollar base group. Several currency exchanges are performed. | |
calcexam.cpp |
Reads in an RWExchangeRateTable/ExchangeRateTable and RWEuroGroup/EuroGroup to construct an RWExchangeFactory/ExchangeFactory. This factory is then associated with an RWMoneyCalculator/MoneyCalculator. The calculator is used to perform arithmetic with different currency conversion policies and rounding methods. | |
savings.cpp |
Demonstrates how a savings account grows. Shows how to use the RWDecimal/BigDecimal class. |
The Java examples are in
To compile and run these examples:
Make sure your CLASSPATH environment variable includes the directory containing com.
cd to the examples directory that correponds to your installation type (see above).
Enter: javac *.java
Run each of the examples by typing its complete name. For example:
For information about compiling the C++ examples, see the Money.h++ Build Guide available in <rw_root>/htmldocs/mny<ver>bd/index.html for Software Parts Manager installations, and <rw_common>\docs\htmldocs\mny<ver>bd\index.html for Visual Studio Edition installations. Once the examples are built, change to the examples directory and type the example's file name to run the example.
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