All Rogue Wave class names start with the letters RW, as in RWDecimal<T>. In some cases, we may refer to an instance of a class by an English name; for example, "the string" instead of "the RWCString instance." We do this to make it easier to read when the meaning should be clear from context, but we use the longer form if there is a possible ambiguity.
All function names begin with a lower case letter, with the first letter of subsequent words capitalized. Function names attempt to accurately describe what a function does. For example, RWDecimal<T>::maxValue() returns the maximum possible value of the object. Underline characters and abbreviations are not generally used in function names.
Throughout this documentation, there are frequent references to "self." This should be read as "*this".
The following conventions are used in the figures.
As an example, the following illustration indicates that class A inherits from class B:
When a class inherits from more than one class, or there are multiple levels of inheritance, all of its inheritance relationships are shown. For example, the following illustration indicates that class A inherits from class B and from class C, which inherits from class D.
The notation system used in the inheritance hierarchies is based on the Object Modeling Technique (OMT) developed by Rumbaugh and others.
©Copyright 1999, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
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