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java.lang.Object |
public static final String sales[]
public Format2()
public static void main(String args[])
Output should appear as follows:
Using the default money format ... Sales ===== January: 4,882.98 February: 7,023.87 March: 12,983 April: 19,876.01 May: 25,873.23 June: 14,982.21 July: -5,090.9 August: 10,876.09 September: 40,098.12 October: 70,081.45 November: 97,872.12 December: 121,982.34 Total sales for the year: 421,440.52 Using the pattern "$#,###.00;($#,###.00)" Sales ===== January: $4,882.98 February: $7,023.87 March: $12,983.00 April: $19,876.01 May: $25,873.23 June: $14,982.21 July: ($5,090.90) August: $10,876.09 September: $40,098.12 October: $70,081.45 November: $97,872.12 December: $121,982.34 Total sales for the year: $421,440.52
protected static void report(MoneyFormat format)
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