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2.2 The Parts Directory Structure

The installation process creates or adds to a parts directory structure that stores software, documentation, and information that SPM uses when compiling your product.

SPM uses the following convention to name the parts directory:

For example, if the root directory is c:\rwav and the LAPACK.h++ version number is 2.0.7, the parts directory on Windows NT 4.0 is named:

Table 5 explains how the directory is organized.

Table 5 -- Organization of the parts directory structure

LAPACK.h++ core library source code.
LAPACK.h++ FORTRAN library source code.
Files used by SPM to build the indicated source code.
Header files.
LAPACK.h++ readme files.
LAPACK.h++ examples.
Files used by SPM to build the LAPACK.h++ examples.

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