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2.17 Open SQL and Informix

The alternative Open SQL interface introduced in DBTools.h++ 4.0 can be used with the Informix ODBC Driver. This section provides some specific details and examples.

2.17.1 Placeholder Syntax

The placeholder syntax for the Informix ODBC Driver is simply:


Here is an example:


Placeholders are not a portable feature. Different access libraries use different placeholder syntax.

2.17.2 Supported Datatypes for Input Binding

All the C++ language datatypes are supported for input binding. The following Rogue Wave types are also supported: RWCString, RWWString, RWDate, RWDBDateTime, RWDecimalPortable, RWDBDuration, and RWDBBlob.

2.17.3 Stored Procedures and Open SQL

You can use the standard Informix ODBC Driver stored procedure syntax when executing stored procedures with RWDBOSql.

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