DBTools.h++ handles errors differently depending upon how they are generated. The following sections describe error messages used with the Informix Access Library.
Because DBTools.h++ makes no attempt to simulate behavior that is not provided in the Informix ODBC Driver API and SQL grammar, certain DBTools.h++ functions are reported as errors using the error code RWDBStatus::notSupported. For example, there is no Informix ODBC Driver grammar that generally supports the idea of an RWDBDatabase::createProcedure() function, so it is reported as not supported.
There is a much broader range of possible errors that are most likely to occur during the execution of advanced SQL via a call to SQLExecute(). These errors are reported using the error code RWDBStatus::serverError.
We make no attempt to mitigate against such errors, but when an error does occur, information is transferred to DBTools.h++ objects as described below.
When an error or warning is generated by an access library call to the Informix ODBC Driver API, information about the event is retrieved via a call to SQLGetDiagRec() and transferred to an RWDBStatus. This RWDBStatus object is passed as a parameter to the installed error handler. The following list provides the format that RWDBStatus uses to describe events reported by the Informix ODBC Driver:
errorCode: RWDBStatus::serverError if an error occurred, or RWDBStatus::ok if a warning is being generated
message: "SQL call failed" if an error occurred, or "SQL success with info" if a warning is being generated
vendorMessage1: the state parameter output from the SQLGetDiagRec() call; for example, "21S01"
vendorMessage2: the error message parameter output from the SQLGetDiagRec() call; for example, "Driver not capable"
vendorError1: the native error code parameter output from the SQLGetDiagRec() call
vendorError2: severity: 1 if an error occurred, or 0 if a warning is being generated
An application can use the mapping shown above to write an error handler that reports errors on cerr and issues warnings on clog. For example:
void myErrorHandler(const RWDBStatus& stat) { if (stat.vendorError1()) // Errors cerr << stat.vendorMessage2(); else // Warnings clog << stat.vendorMessage2(); }
All errors associated with the status will be reported.
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