The DBTools.h++ Build Guide describes how to install the advanced tutorial programs. The setup programs provided by DBTools.h++ are described in Table 14:
Setup program | Description |
tutsetup |
Creates all dependent database objects for the tutorials |
setuperr.txt |
Reports errors that occur during setup |
tututil.cpp |
A source file shared by all the tutorials that contains the parameters you define to work with your database |
tutclean |
Cleans up all the tables the tutorials create and use |
tutcleanerr.txt |
Reports errors that occur during cleanup |
Using the setup programs, here are the steps you will follow to install, run, and complete the tutorials:
Establish connectivity. First, you must verify that the machine the tutorials will run on can establish connectivity with the target database server. The database manufacturer usually provides access programs that can be used for this. For example, on Sybase this might be the isql program or wdbping. Rogue Wave cannot be of assistance in running these programs. See your system administrator if you need help establishing connectivity with your database.
Set up defaults. When you set the defaults, you must modify the tutorial source code by customizing various parameters to work with your database. The tutorial programs must know the type of server being used, as well as the name of the database and the user. These values are set in tututil.cpp, a source file that is shared between all of the tutorials and the tutorial setup program. The values set in tututil.cpp are used as arguments for the call to RWDBManager::database(), which appears in the main() function of each of the tutorials. The DBTools.h++ access library guide for your database describes how to set these defaults in Section 2.1.
Compile and link. Compile and link the tutorial source code as described in the Build Guide.
Run the setup program. The fourth and final step required before running the tutorials consists of running the tutsetup program. The program tutsetup creates and populates the tables needed by the tutorial programs. It runs silently, neither producing output on standard out, nor opening any windows. Should any errors occur during execution, they are reported to a file called setuperr.txt. The Build Guide provides additional information about running the tutsetup program.
Run the tutorials. Each of the following chapters in this manual describes the tutorial programs.
Completing the tutorials. As a convenience, a program has been provided to clean up all of the tables that these tutorials create and use. This program, called tutclean, can be executed after all the tutorials have been completed. It runs silently, neither producing output on standard out nor opening any windows. Should any errors occur during execution, they will be reported to a file called tutclean.txt. Information about using this program appears in the Build Guide.
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