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14.1 Introduction

DBTools.h++ provides a set of advanced tutorial programs. These programs consist of several small applications that employ a framework of classes and routines built with the DBTools.h++ class library. You can use these short, simple examples as cut-and-paste templates for building your own DBTools.h++ application programs.

The focus of these tutorials is the transfer of data from a relational database into a client program and back again as unobtrusively as possible. The context is a video rental store. The software for a rental store must be able to maintain data about the pool of customers, the library of videos, and rental transactions, as well as video suppliers and video acquisitions.

To keep our examples simple, many of the processes involved in a real video store have been streamlined. For this reason, the tutorials taken all together do not form a complete application for the management of a video rental store. However, they do provide an good example framework for launching a well-written application using DBTools.h++.

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