RWDBForeignKeyList RWOrdered
Member Functions | |
operator[]() |
#include <rw/db/forkey.h> RWDBForeignKeyList aList; aStatus = aTable.foreignKeys( "targetTable", aList);
RWDBForeignKeyList is an ordered collection of RWDBForeignKeys. RWDBForeignKeyList is a relatively low-level construct used by DBTools.h++ as an input/output parameter in the functions RWDBTable::foreignKeys() and RWDBTable::referedToBy().
The only semantics that RWDBForeignKeyList adds to RWOrdered are:
The index operator [] returns RWDBForeignKey&, rather than RWCollectable*&.
The destructor deallocates the contents of the RWDBForeignKeyList by calling clearAndDestroy().
RWDBForeignKeyList ();
The default constructor produces an empty RWDBForeignKeyList.
RWDBForeignKeyList& operator[](size_t index);
Redefined from RWOrdered. Returns a reference to the RWDBForeignKey at a position index in self. The call is forwarded to RWOrdered, which causes an exception of type RWBoundsErr to occur if the index is out of range.
All RWDBForeignKeyList methods are inherited from RWOrdered. Please see the Tools.h++ Class Reference for RWOrdered methods.
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