This reference is presented as an alphabetical listing of classes. The entry for each class includes a brief description, an illustration showing its inheritance hierarchy, and a synopsis indicating the header file(s) associated with the class. The synopsis also shows a declaration and definition of a class object, and any type definitions that are used.
Member functions for each class are listed alphabetically. Member functions fall into three general types:
Methods that are unique to a class. The complete documentation for these methods is presented in the class where they occur. An example is putBytes(), a member of the class RWDBBlob.
Methods that are inherited from a base class without being redefined. The complete documentation for these methods is presented in the defining base class. An example is asString(), for class RWDBCollectableExpr, which is inherited from class RWDBExpr.
Methods that are redefined in a derived class. These are usually virtual methods. The documentation for these methods usually directs you to the base class, but may also mention peculiarities that are relevant to the derived class. An example is binaryStoreSize(), for class RWDBValue.
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