As a convenience, the tutclean program has been provided to clean up all of the tables that the tutorials create and use. The program can be executed after all the tutorials have been completed. The path to the tutclean program is:
<rw_root>\workspaces\<OS+ver>\<COMPILER+ver>\<buildtype>\examples\ dbt<ver><osfam>\tutclean
For example, if your root directory is c:\rwav and you are using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 compiler on Windows NT 4.0 with a 7s build type, the path is:
The cleanup program runs silently, neither producing output on standard out nor opening any windows. Should any errors occur during execution, they will be reported to a file called tutclean.txt.
To run this program with default arguments:
Change directory to the workspace:
Change directory to the DBTools.h++ examples:
Type the following:
Check the contents of tutclean.txt to determine if an error occurred during execution. If the file does not contain a fatal error, the program ran successfully. The file may contain messages from the database servers.
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