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2.3 The Workspace Directory Structure

The build process creates or adds to a workspaces directory structure that is used to store library, object, and header files. SPM uses the following convention to name the workspace:

For example, if the root directory is c:\rwav, the platform is Windows NT 4.0, the compiler is MSVC 6.0, and the library build type is 7s, the workspace is named:

Appendix A lists the mnemonics for all the compilers and operating systems that Rogue Wave supports. SPM appends version numbers to the mnemonics for your compiler and operating system. Section 2.5 describes build types.

Table 6 -- Organization of the workspaces directory structure

Analytics.h++ readme file.
Analytics.h++ library.1
Workspace configuration data.
Build implementation workspace.
Header files for Analytics.h++.
Rogue Wave product examples.
Analytics.h++ examples and makefiles.2

1 For MSVC, the lib directory also contains the .pdb file, which contains information about debug versions of the library.

2 For MSVC, this directory also contains .pdb files, which contain information about debug versions of the examples.

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