Enumerator |
RWUWarningStart | The lowest numerical value used as a warning code.
RWUUsingFallbackWarning | A resource bundle lookup returned a fallback result.
RWUUsingDefaultWarning | A resource bundle lookup returned the root locale resource bundle.
RWUSafeCloneAllocatedWarning | A clone operation had to allocate memory.
RWUStateOldWarning | Had to use compatibility layer to construct the service.
RWUStringNotTerminatedWarning | A null terminator could not be added to the end of a string due to lack of space.
RWUWarningLimit | The highest numerical value used as a warning code.
RWUNoError | No error or warning was encountered; the operation was successful.
RWUErrorStart | The lowest numerical value used as an error code.
RWUIllegalArgumentError | An illegal function argument value was detected.
RWUMissingResourceError | A library resource file could not be found.
RWUInvalidFormatError | A library resource file was not formatted correctly.
RWUFileAccessError | An error occurred while accessing a resource file.
RWUInternalProgramError | An unexpected internal error was encountered.
RWUMessageParseError | An error occurred while parsing a message.
RWUMemoryAllocationError | A memory allocation failed.
RWUIndexOutOfBoundsError | An array index or pointer was out of bounds.
RWUParseError | A generic parsing error occurred.
RWUInvalidCharFound | An invalid character or sequence was encountered during character conversion.
RWUTruncatedCharFound | An incomplete character sequence was encountered during character conversion.
RWUIllegalCharFound | A character or sequence was encountered that could not be converted into the target encoding.
RWUInvalidTableFormat | A conversion table file was improperly formatted or corrupted.
RWUInvalidTableFile | A conversion table file could not be found.
RWUBufferOverflowError | The result of an operation did not fit into the supplied buffer.
RWUUnsupportedError | The operation was not supported in the current context or state
RWUResourceTypeMismatch | An attempt was made to invoke an unsupported operation on a resource.
RWUIllegalEscapeSequence | An illegal escape sequence was encountered.
RWUUnsupportedEscapeSequence | An unsupported escape sequence was encountered.
RWUNoSpaceAvailable | No space was available for in-buffer expansion for Arabic shaping.
RWUCeNotFoundError | An attempt was made to set variable top to an unrecognized collation element.
RWUPrimaryTooLongError | An attempt was made to set variable top to a primary that is longer than two bytes.
RWUStateTooOldError | Could not construct a service from this state, because it is no longer supported
RWUStandardErrorLimit | The limit for standard errors.
RWUParseErrorStart | Start of transliterator-specific parse errors.
RWUBadVariableDefinition | A bad variable definition parse error occurred.
RWUMalformedRule | A syntax error occurred during rule parsing.
RWUMalformedSet | A malformed set syntax error occurred.
RWUMalformedSymbolReference | A syntax error occurred during symbol reference parsing.
RWUMalformedUnicodeEscape | A syntax error occurred during unicode escape parsing.
RWUMalformedVariableDefinition | A syntax error occurred during variable definition parsing.
RWUMalformedVariableReference | A syntax error occurred during variable reference parsing.
RWUMismatchedSegmentDelimiters | A mismatched segment delimiters syntax error occurred.
RWUMisplacedAnchorStart | A misplaced anchor start syntax error occurred.
RWUMisplacedCursorOffset | A misplaced cursor offset syntax error occurred.
RWUMisplacedQuantifier | A misplaced quantifier syntax error occurred.
RWUMissingOperator | A missing operator syntax error occurred.
RWUMissingSegmentClose | A missing segment close syntax error occurred.
RWUMultipleAnteContexts | A multiple ante contexts syntax error occurred.
RWUMultipleCursors | A multiple cursors syntax error occurred.
RWUMultiplePostContexts | A multiple post contexts syntax error occurred.
RWUTrailingBackslash | A trailing backslash syntax error occurred.
RWUUndefinedSegmentReference | An undefined segment reference syntax error occurred.
RWUUndefinedVariable | An undefined variable syntax error occurred.
RWUUnquotedSpecial | An unquoted special syntax error occurred.
RWUUnterminatedQuote | An unterminated quote syntax error occurred.
RWURuleMaskError | A rule mask syntax error occurred.
RWUMisplacedCompoundFilter | A misplaced compound filter syntax error occurred.
RWUMultipleCompoundFilters | A multiple compound filters syntax error occurred.
RWUInvalidRbtSyntax | An invalid RBT syntax error occurred.
RWUInvalidPropertyPattern | An invalid property pattern syntax error occurred.
RWUMalformedPragma | A malformed pragma syntax error occurred.
RWUUnclosedSegment | An unclosed segment syntax error occurred.
RWUIllegalCharInSegment | An illegal char in segment syntax error occurred.
RWUVariableRangeExhausted | Too many stand-ins were generated for the given variable range.
RWUVariableRangeOverlap | The variable range overlapped characters used in rules.
RWUParseErrorLimit | End of transliterator-specific parse errors.
RWUFmtParseErrorStart | Start of format parse errors.
RWUUnexpectedToken | An unexpected token error occurred.
RWUMultipleDecimalSeparators | A multiple decimal separators error occurred.
RWUMultipleExponentialSymbols | A multiple exponential symbols error occurred.
RWUMalformedExponentialPattern | A multiple malformed exponential pattern error occurred.
RWUMultiplePercentSymbols | A multiple percent symbols error occurred.
RWUMultiplePermillSymbols | A multiple permill symbols error occurred.
RWUMultiplePadSpecifiers | A multiple pad specifiers error occurred.
RWUPatternSyntaxError | A pattern syntax error occurred.
RWUIllegalPadPosition | An illegal pad position error occurred.
RWUUnmatchedBraces | An unmatched braces error occurred.
RWUUnsupportedProperty | An unsupported property error occurred.
RWUUnsupportedAttribute | An unsupported attribute error occurred.
RWUFmtParseErrorLimit | The highest value used as a format parse error code.
RWUErrorLimit | The highest numerical value used as an error code.