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RWDecimal< M > Member List

This is the complete list of members for RWDecimal< M >, including all inherited members.

abs(const RWDecimal< M > &d)RWDecimal< M >related
add enum valueRWDecimalBase
assign enum valueRWDecimalBase
BANKERS enum valueRWDecimalBase
conversion enum valueRWDecimalBase
ctorError enum valueRWDecimalBase
decimalPlaces() constRWDecimal< M >inline
div enum valueRWDecimalBase
DOWN enum valueRWDecimalBase
from(double)RWDecimal< M >static
from(long double)RWDecimal< M >static
infinityRWDecimal< M >static
infinitystate enum valueRWDecimalBase
infinityValue()RWDecimal< M >static
isNumber() constRWDecimal< M >inline
maxDigits()RWDecimal< M >inlinestatic
maxValue()RWDecimal< M >inlinestatic
minValue()RWDecimal< M >inlinestatic
missingRWDecimal< M >static
missingstate enum valueRWDecimalBase
missingValue()RWDecimal< M >static
mult enum valueRWDecimalBase
NaNRWDecimal< M >static
NaNstate enum valueRWDecimalBase
NaNValue()RWDecimal< M >static
normal enum valueRWDecimalBase
nullRWDecimal< M >static
nullstate enum valueRWDecimalBase
nullValue()RWDecimal< M >static
Op enum nameRWDecimalBase
operator RWDecimalPortable() constRWDecimal< M >
operator!=(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator*(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator*(double a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator*(const RWDecimal< M > &a, double b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator*(const RWDecimal< M > &a, int b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator*(const RWDecimal< M > &a, long b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator*(int a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator*(long a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator*=(const RWDecimal< M > &a)RWDecimal< M >inline
operator+() constRWDecimal< M >inline
operator+(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator+(const RWDecimal< M > &a, int b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator+(const RWDecimal< M > &a, long b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator+(int a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator+(long a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator+=(const RWDecimal< M > &a)RWDecimal< M >inline
operator-() constRWDecimal< M >inline
operator-(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator-(const RWDecimal< M > &a, int b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator-(const RWDecimal< M > &a, long b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator-(int a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator-(long a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator-=(const RWDecimal< M > &a)RWDecimal< M >inline
operator/(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(const RWDecimal< M > &a, int b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(const RWDecimal< M > &a, long b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(int a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(long a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimalPortable &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(const RWDecimalPortable &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const char *b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(const char *a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(double a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/(const RWDecimal< M > &a, double b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator/=(const RWDecimal< M > &a)RWDecimal< M >inline
operator<(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator<<(RWvostream &strm, const RWDecimal< M > &n)RWDecimal< M >related
operator<=(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator=(const RWDecimal< M > &a)RWDecimal< M >inline
operator==(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator>(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator>=(const RWDecimal< M > &a, const RWDecimal< M > &b)RWDecimal< M >related
operator>>(std::istream &strm, RWDecimal< M > &d)RWDecimal< M >related
PLAIN enum valueRWDecimalBase
pow(const RWDecimal< M > &d, int e)RWDecimal< M >related
pow10op enum valueRWDecimalBase
powop enum valueRWDecimalBase
restoreFrom(RWvistream &)RWDecimal< M >
restoreFrom(RWFile &)RWDecimal< M >
round(const RWDecimal< M > &d, int digits, RWDecimalBase::RoundingMethod m)RWDecimal< M >related
RoundingMethod enum nameRWDecimalBase
RWDecimal()RWDecimal< M >inline
RWDecimal(const RWDecimal< M > &d)RWDecimal< M >inline
RWDecimal(const RWDecimalPortable &)RWDecimal< M >
RWDecimal(int i)RWDecimal< M >inline
RWDecimal(long int i)RWDecimal< M >inline
RWDecimal(int m, int e)RWDecimal< M >inline
RWDecimal(long int m, int e)RWDecimal< M >inline
RWDecimal(const char *str)RWDecimal< M >
saveOn(RWvostream &) constRWDecimal< M >
saveOn(RWFile &) constRWDecimal< M >
setInexactHandler(void(*eh)(const RWDecimalInexactErr< M > &))RWDecimal< M >inlinestatic
setOverflowHandler(void(*eh)(const RWDecimalOverflowErr< M > &))RWDecimal< M >inlinestatic
SNaNRWDecimal< M >static
SNaNstate enum valueRWDecimalBase
SNaNValue()RWDecimal< M >static
State enum nameRWDecimalBase
sub enum valueRWDecimalBase
swap(RWDecimalBase &rhs)RWDecimalBaseinline
toDouble(const RWDecimal< M > &d)RWDecimal< M >related
toInt(const RWDecimal< M > &d, RWDecimalBase::RoundingMethod m)RWDecimal< M >related
toString(const RWDecimal< M > &d)RWDecimal< M >related
TRUNCATE enum valueRWDecimalBase
UP enum valueRWDecimalBase

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