DEL_FILE Procedure
Deletes a specified file on your system.
DEL_FILE, filename
Input Parameters
filename — A string containing the full pathname of the file to be deleted.
This function uses SPAWN to execute a platform-specific command to delete the specified file.
UNIX Example 1
full_name = FILEPATH('', Subdirectory='lib/user')
PRINT, full_name
; PV-WAVE output looks similar to:
;   /opt/RW/PVW110/wave/lib/usr/
DEL_FILE, full_name
UNIX Example 2
DEL_FILE, FILEPATH('scratch10', /Tmp) 
Windows Example 1
full_name = FILEPATH('', Subdirectory='lib\user')
PRINT, full_name
; PV-WAVE output looks similar to:
;   C:\RW\wave\lib\user\
DEL_FILE, full_name
Windows Example 2
DEL_FILE, FILEPATH('scratch10', /Tmp)
See Also