PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage > Image Processing Toolkit User Guide > Color Tool > Save Custom Color Table Dialog Box (Color Tool)
Save Custom Color Table Dialog Box (Color Tool)
This dialog box contains a list box of all existing custom color tables in the current working directory and a text box for specifying a new name for the custom table being created.
Custom Color Tables—Select a custom color table from the list box. If you want to save a new custom color table under an existing name, highlight the name in the list box.
New Color Table Name—Use MB1 to select the text field and type in the name of the new custom table being created.
OK— Apply the choice and dismiss the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.
Custom color tables are saved in files that are placed, by default, in your home directory. The file .wg_colors is used to hold custom image colors, and .wg_plot_colors holds the custom plot colors. Note that these same files are used by other PV-WAVE procedures that are used to manipulate color tables. These procedures include WgCeditTool and WgCtTool. If you use one of these “Wg” routines to add or delete a color table, the custom color tables you saved with Color Tool can become out of synch and unexpected results can occur.