WAVELET Function
Computes the wavelet transform of a data sequence using compactly supported orthonormal wavelets.
result = WAVELET(h, x, n)
result = WAVELET(h, waveletstruct, /Backwards)
Input Parameters
h—A perfect reconstruction quadrature mirror filter in a filter structure, such as may be obtained using QMFDESIGN.
Parameters specific to the forward wavelet transform (the default transform):
x—The data sequence to be transformed.
n—(scalar) The number wavelet transform levels.
Parameters specific to the backward wavelet transform (with the Backwards keyword):
waveletstruct—The output of the forward transform.
For the backward transform, the input parameter h must be a digital filter structure designed using QMFDESIGN.
Returned Value
Forward wavelet transform (default):
result—A data structure containing the coefficients of the forward wavelet transform.
Backward wavelet transform (with the Backwards keyword):
result—(array) The signal reconstructed from the wavelet transform coefficients.
Backwards—If present and nonzero, the original signal is reconstructed from the wavelet transform coefficients.
Computing the wavelet transform of a signal using a compactly supported orthornomal wavelet is equivalent to applying the quadrature mirror filter-bank structure shown in Figure 4-11: Filter Structure for Computing Forward Wavelet Transform to the signal.
Figure 4-11: Filter Structure for Computing Forward Wavelet Transform
The details of how and why the structure in Figure 4-11: Filter Structure for Computing Forward Wavelet Transform is connected to a compactly supported orthonomal wavelet are found in Akansu and Haddad, 1992; Daubechies, 1988, and 1992; Rioul and Vetterli, 1991; and Vaidyanathan, 1993.
The input and output sequences of each block in Figure 4-11: Filter Structure for Computing Forward Wavelet Transform represents the inputs and output of the forward part of the QMF structure discussed in the procedure QMF, Figure 4-1: Signal Flows for Forward and Backward QMF Procedures. The specific input-output relation between each block and the filter structure shown in Figure 4-1: Signal Flows for Forward and Backward QMF Procedures is illustrated in Figure 4-12: Basic Computation Cell in Forward Wavelet Transform Structure.
Figure 4-12: Basic Computation Cell in Forward Wavelet Transform Structure
WAVELET requires a quadrature mirror filter be supplied. Such a filter is obtained by using the QMFDESIGN function.
The output sequences x1, x2, x3, ... are the coefficients of the wavelet transform. The input parameter n specifies the number of levels of the wavelet transform structure to compute. For n levels of the wavelet transform, n + 1 output sequences are generated. WAVELET returns a PV-WAVE data structure. PARSEWAVELET provides access to the information in that data structure.
The backwards wavelet transform is computed using the filter bank structure shown in Figure 4-13: Filter Structure for Computing Backward Wavelet Transform.
Figure 4-13: Filter Structure for Computing Backward Wavelet Transform
The input and output sequences of each block in Figure 4-13: Filter Structure for Computing Backward Wavelet Transform represents the inputs and output of the backward part of the QMF structure discussed in the procedure QMF, Figure 4-1: Signal Flows for Forward and Backward QMF Procedures. The specific input-output relation between each block and the filter structure in Figure 4-1: Signal Flows for Forward and Backward QMF Procedures is illustrated in Figure 4-14: Basic Computational Element in Backward Wavelet Transform Structure.
Figure 4-14: Basic Computational Element in Backward Wavelet Transform Structure
This example illustrates how to compute the wavelet transform of a speech segment. The results are shown in Figure 4-15: WAVELET Function Example, where (a) is the plot of the original voice signal saying “PV-WAVE,” (b) is its level 2 wavelet coefficients, and (c) is its level 4 wavelet coefficients.
(UNIX) file = '$RW_DIR/sigpro-1_1/test/voice.dat'
(WIN) file = GETENV('RW_DIR')+ $
; Read in voice signal saying “PV-WAVE.”
OPENR, 1, file
x = BYTARR(7519)
READU, 1, x
x = DOUBLE(x)
m = 5
kz = [1.d, 1.d]
; Determine coefficients of the polynomial K(z) = (1 + z–1)m to
; design Daubechies QMF that generates wavelet with m vanishing
; moments.
FOR i = 1, m-1 DO Kz = P_MULT([1.d, 1.d], kz)
; Design a QMF using the factor K(z).
n = 4
; Compute a 4-level wavelet transform.
wstruct = WAVELET(h, x, n)
; Extract the different coefficient sequences from the wavelet 
; data structure.
x1 = PARSEWAVELET(wstruct, 1)
x2 = PARSEWAVELET(wstruct, 2)
x3 = PARSEWAVELET(wstruct, 3)
x4 = PARSEWAVELET(wstruct, 4)
x5 = PARSEWAVELET(wstruct, 5)
!P.Multi = [0, 1, 3]
; Plot original signal and wavelet coefficients from levels 2 
; and 4.
PLOT, x, XStyle = 1, Title = 'Original Signal'
PLOT, x2, XStyle = 1, Title = 'Wavelet Coefficients, Level 2'
PLOT, x4, XStyle = 1, Title = 'Wavelet Coefficients, Level 4', $
XTitle = 'Time'
; Compute the inverse wavelet transform.
y = WAVELET(h, wstruct, /Backward)
; Maximum Reconstruction Error  5.4001248e-13. Compute maximum 
; error in computing forward and backward wavelet transform.
PM, MAX(ABS(x-y)), Title = 'Maximum Reconstruction Error' 
Figure 4-15: WAVELET Function Example
See Also
For Additional Information
Akansu and Haddad, 1992. Daubechies, 1988, and 1992. Rioul and Vetterli, 1991. Vaidyanathan, 1993.