PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage > Image Processing Toolkit User Guide > Image Tool > Region Statistics Dialog Box (Image Tool)
Region Statistics Dialog Box (Image Tool)
This function returns several statistics on each region in an image. The 11 statistics are as follows:
Area—The number of pixels in the region.
Mean—The average of pixels in the region.
Min—The minimum pixel value in the region.
Max—The maximum pixel value in the region.
Stdev—The standard deviation of the pixel values in the region.
Mode—The most frequent pixel value in the region.
Range—The difference between the minimum and the maximum value in the region.
Perimeter—The distance around the border of the region in pixels.
Compactness—A measure of the compactness of the region. Defined as the perimeter squared over the area.
Major Axis Angle—The angle of the major axis through the region. The major axis is directed in the area of maximal region dispersion.
Centroid—The centroid of the region, given as the element number in the image.