FILTSTR Function
Constructs a valid filter data structure.
h = FILTSTR(b, a)
Input Parameters
b—A one-dimensional array or scalar value representing the numerator of the filter.
a—A one-dimensional array or scalar value representing the denominator of the filter.
Returned Value
h—A structure containing the filter.
Name—A scalar string containing a name for the filter.
For the numerator polynomial B(z) such that:
B(z) = b0 + b1z–1 + b2z–2 + ...
and the dominator polynomial A(z) such that:
A(z) = a0 + a1z–1 + a2z–2 + ...
FILTSTR constructs a filter data structure H(z) such that:
H(z) = B(z)/A(z)
FILTSTR is used to produce a filter H(z) such that:
h = FILTSTR([1, 0, 0, 1],[5, 1, 2])
See Also