Finds all instances of nan, inf, -inf in an array.
NANFINDER, a, i, j, k
Input Parameters
a—A numerical array.
Output Parameters
i—The array of indices locating the nan's.
j—The array of indices locating the inf's.
k—The array of indices locating the -inf's.
The scalar -1 is returned if an array has no elements.
b—(output) A copy of the input array, but where each symbolic value is replaced with its nearest neighboring numeric value.
f = MACHINE(/float)                 &  a = FINDGEN(5,6)
m = BYTSCL( RANDOMU(s,6), top=29 )  &  a(m(0)) = f.nan
a(m(1:2)) = f.pos_inf               &  a(m(3:*)) = f.neg_inf
NANFINDER, a, i, j, k, b=b          &  PM, a, ' '
PM, i, ' '                          &  PM, j, ' '
PM, k, ' '                          &  PM, b