ERFCE Function
Evaluates the exponentially scaled complementary error function.
result = ERFCE(x)
Input Parameters
x—Argument for which the function value is desired. This value must be a float or double scalar or a 1D array.
Return Value
result—Scalar or 1D array containing the exponentially scaled complementary error function values.
Input Keywords
Double—If present and nonzero, double precision is used.
Function ERFCE computes:
where ERFC(x) is the complementary error function. See the ERFC Function for its definition.
To prevent the answer from underflowing, x must be greater than:
where b is the largest representable floating-point number. To get this value, refer to the MACHINE Function in Chapter 13: Utilities of the .
In this example, we evaluate the exponentially scaled complementary error function at x=1.0.
result = ERFCE(1.0)
PRINT, "The exponentially scaled complementary error " + $
   "function value at 1.0 is:"
PRINT, result, Format='(F6.3)'
The exponentially scaled complementary error function value at 1.0 is: