About > About PV-WAVE Documentation > Conventions Used in PV-WAVE Manuals
Conventions Used in PV-WAVE Manuals
You will find the following conventions used throughout this manual:
*Code examples appear in this typeface. For example:
PLOT, temp, s02, Title = 'Air Quality' 
*Variables are shown in lowercase italics (myvar), function and procedure names are shown in uppercase (XYOUTS), keywords are shown in mixed case italic (XTitle), and system variables are shown in regular mixed case type (!Version). For better readability, all GUI development routines are shown in mixed case (WwMainMenu).
*A $ at the end of a line of PV‑WAVE code indicates that the current statement is continued on the following line. By convention, use of the continuation character ($) in this document reflects its syntactically correct use in PV‑WAVE. This means, for instance, that strings are never split onto two lines without the addition of the string concatenation operator (+). For example, the following lines would produce an error if entered literally in PV‑WAVE.
WAVE> PLOT, x, y, Title = 'Average $ 
Air Temperatures by Two-Hour Periods'
*The correct way to enter these lines is:
WAVE> PLOT, x, y, Title = 'Average ' + $ 
'Air Temperatures by Two-Hour Periods'
*Reserved words such as FOR, IF, CASE, are always shown in uppercase.