PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzVariable > Show By Type Dialog Box (WzVariable)
Show By Type Dialog Box (WzVariable)
Use this dialog box to select the kinds of variables that will appear in the WzVariable Tool list. Only the variables of the types selected in this dialog box will appear in the WzVariable Tool list.
Set All Types—Click this button to select all data types listed in the dialog box.
Reset All Types—Click this button to unselect all data types listed in the dialog box.
Byte, Int, Long, and other data types—Select a data type by clicking its check box. Variables of the selected data types will be displayed in the WzVariable Tool.
OK—Apply the selections and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Apply the selections, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.