PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzVariable > Hiding and Showing Variables
Hiding and Showing Variables
If the number of variables in the variable list becomes large, it may be useful to temporarily hide some of them. To do this, use the Hide Variable(s) function. A variable that has been hidden can be redisplayed with the Show Variable(s) function.
To Hide a Variable
1. Use MB1 to select one or more variables in the variable list.
2. Select Options=>Hide Variables(s).
The selected variables are removed from the list.
To Show a Variable
1. Select Options=>Show Variable(s). The Show Variables dialog box displays.
2. In the Show Variables dialog box, click MB1 on the variable or variables that you want to show in the main variable list.
3. Click OK to show the selected variable(s) in the WzVariable Tool.