PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzTable > Changing a Single Table Cell’s Value
Changing a Single Table Cell’s Value
You can edit the value of any cell in the table. The procedure for changing the value in a single cell includes these steps:
1. Click MB1 on the cell you want to edit. That cell is now the “ current cell” and contains the I-beam cursor at the end of the data string.
2. Press <Backspace> to delete characters one at a time.
3. Type the new value for the cell.
4. Press <Tab>, <Shift+Tab>, <UpArrow>, or <DownArrow>, or <Return> to effect the change to the cell’s value.
You can also do the following to change the value of a cell:
1. Double-click MB1 on the cell you want to edit. That cell is now the “current cell,” and its entire value is highlighted.
2. Type the new value for the cell.
3. Press <Tab>, <Shift+Tab>, <UpArrow>, or <DownArrow>, or <Return> to effect the change to the cell’s value.
How to Move the Cursor
The methods for moving the cursor within a cell are:
*Press <Return> to move the cursor to the beginning of the data string and save the current value.
*Press <RightArrow> to move the cursor to the right one character.
*Press <LeftArrow> to move the cursor to the left one character.
How to Erase Characters
The methods for erasing characters within a cell are:
*Press <Backspace> to erase the character to the left of the cursor.
*Double-click MB1 on the cell to highlight its entire value, then type a new value or press <Backspace>.
*Drag MB1 over the characters in a cell to highlight them, then type a new value or press <Backspace>.
See Also