WzTable Procedure
Starts a VDA Tool used for creating an editable 2D array of cells containing string data.
When changing the table cell data format while a cell is selected for editing, the display format in the selected cell does not update until you select another cell.
WzTable, var
Input Parameters
var — A vector, 2D array, or scalar variable (or equivalent expression).
Alignments — A 1D array [0, ..., cols–1] of column alignments. Valid values are:
*0 — Align cell contents to cell’s left edge (left justify).
*1 — Center the cell contents (center justify).
*2 — Align cell contents to the cell’s right edge (right justify).
ColLabels — A 1D string array [0, ..., cols–1] of column labels.
CWidth — A 1D array [0, ..., cols–1] of column widths. If CWidth is not specified, the default column width is 10 characters.
Format — A FORTRAN-style format specification for the output. For more information, see the STRING function.
NoBlock — If specified, the event loop (WwLoop) that is started by the VDA Tool will use the given value. By default a value of 1 (non-blocking loop) will be used. However, it may be necessary in certain circumstances to force a non-blocking loop by specifying NoBlock = 2. (See WwLoop in the PV‑WAVE Application Developer’s Guide for more information.)
NumCols — The number of columns in the table. If NumCols is not specified, the number of columns is calculated from the dimensions of var.
NumRows — The number of rows in the table. If NumRows is not specified, and the var parameter is specified, the number of rows is calculated from the dimensions of var. If neither NumRows nor var is specified, the size of the table is set to one row.
Parent — The widget ID of the parent widget.
Position — Specifies, in pixels, the x and y (horizontal and vertical) coordinates for the starting location of the upper-left corner of the VDA Tool window.
Restore — A data structure previously saved in the Tools Manager with the TmSaveTools function. This keyword is reserved for internal use; it is not to be used at the command line (see Discussion).
RowLabels — A 1D string array [0, ..., cols–1] of row labels.
Template — A string containing the name of a VDA Tool template file.
Vertical — If this keyword is present and nonzero, the contents of var are displayed as transposed (var rows are vertical and columns are horizontal).
VisibleCols — The number of columns displayed in the view window. If
VisibleCols is not specified, four columns are displayed.
If the table size is bigger than the number of visible columns and rows, scrollbars are placed at the right and bottom edges of the view window.
VisibleRows — The number of rows displayed in the view window. If VisibleRows is not specified, four rows are displayed.
The Restore keyword is used specifically by the TM_RESTORE method. For information on the TM_RESTORE method, refer to the source code for WzTable in:
(UNIX) <wavedir>/lib/vdatools/wztable.pro
(WIN) <wavedir>\lib\vdatools\wztable.pro
Where <wavedir> is the main PV‑WAVE directory.
The type of variable used determines the numbers of columns and rows in the table:
*scalar — 1 cell
*vector — 1 row with n columns
*2D array — a matrix of n rows by n columns
For information on how to use this VDA Tool, use online Help. Select the
On Window command from the VDA Tool Help menu to bring up Help on this VDA Tool.
a = FINDGEN(10, 20)
WzTable, a, Format='F10.2'
See Also