PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzPlot > Changing the Plot and Symbol Colors
Changing the Plot and Symbol Colors
You can select different plot colors for your plot to help distinguish between the lines representing your data.
The procedure for changing plot colors includes these steps:
1. (optional) Use the WzColorEdit VDA Tool to load a color table.
2. Select Attributes=>Variable and the name of the variable you want to color. This brings up the Variable Attributes dialog box.
3. Click MB1 on the Line Color button. (Or, if you want to change the color of plot symbols, click on the Symbol Color button.) This brings up the Color dialog box.
4. In the Color dialog box, click MB1 in the color palette or enter a number in the Selected Color text field and press <Return> to choose the new color. Notice that the color square next to the text field changes when you make your selection.
5. Click OK or Apply to confirm the color change. Notice that the color square next to the Line Color or Symbol Color button in the Variable Attributes dialog box changes to reflect the new color selection.
6. In the Variable Attributes dialog box, click OK or Apply to apply the color change to the variable.
To change the background color of a plot or the color of the rectangle used to make data selections, choose Attributes=>View Attributes to bring up the View Attributes dialog box.