PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzMultiView > WzMultiView Overview
WzMultiView Overview
WzMultiView lets you arrange and annotate multiple plots in a single drawing area. The multiple plot can then be printed for use in reports or presentations.
WzMultiView uses rectangular graphic objects called view objects. Each time you draw a view object inside the WzMultiView drawing area, you are prompted to select an active VDA Tool. The graphics from the selected VDA Tool are then displayed in the view object.
You can create as many view objects as you wish. View objects can be selected and moved just like any other graphics object, such as boxes, lines, and text.
Avoid using the PV‑WAVE DEVICE command at the WAVE> command line when VDA Tools are running.
WzMultiView Features
The WzMultiView Tool lets you:
*Display graphics from other VDA Tools in view objects.
*Define the size and position of view objects.
*Annotate view objects.
The WzMultiView Tool maintains links to the VDA Tools in which the original graphics were created. If the original graphics are modified, the changes are reflected in WzMultiView when you click the Redraw button.
For example, assume that graphics from a WzPlot Tool were displayed in WzMultiView. If you modify the graphics in the WzPlot tool, the changes are reflected in the WzMultiView Tool when you click the Redraw button.
Using Online Help
The online Help system for this VDA Tool contains:
*Reference material on the menus and button bar of the WzMultiView window. To access this information, click on the links in the WzMultiView Contents topic.
*Task-oriented information. To access this information, click on the How To link in the WzMultiView Contents topic.
*A glossary of terms. To access the glossary, click on the Glossary link in the WzMultiView Contents topic.
*Context-sensitive reference material on dialog boxes. To access this information, click the Help button in any dialog box.
Don’t forget to check the message area at the bottom of the WzMultiView window. The message area displays helpful information about whatever task you are performing.