PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzHistogram > Changing the Bin Size
Changing the Bin Size
You can increase the width of the of bins (steps) in your histogram by raising the value for Bin Size. This results in fewer bins in the histogram. Lowering the value for Bin Size results in more, narrower bins.
If the bin size of the WzHistogram tool is extremely small (i.e. 0.001) then the selected data may not appear to be selected.
The procedure for changing the size of the bins in the histogram plot includes these steps:
1. Select Attributes=>Histogram Attributes. This brings up the Histogram Attributes dialog box.
2. Click MB1 on the Bin Size radio button.
3. Type a value in the Bin Size text field to adjust the overall height of the histogram.
4. In the Histogram Attributes dialog box, click Apply or OK.
For more information on how bin size and number are calculated, click here.
If the variable you are using is byte data, the Bin Size value must be larger than 1.