PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzContour > Edit Menu (WzContour)
Edit Menu (WzContour)
The Edit menu contains functions for editing graphical elements and selecting data. This menu contains the following commands:
Cut—Cuts the selected graphical element.
Copy—Copies the selected graphical element to the clipboard.
Paste—Pastes the contents of the clipboard in the plot window.
Delete—Removes the selected graphical element from the plot window and redraws the view.
Select All—Selects all graphical elements in the graphics view area.
Deselect All—Deselects all graphical elements in the graphics view area.
Redraw—Redraws the current view.
Group—Groups the selected graphical elements. Grouped items can be cut, copied, pasted, deleted, and moved as one unit.
Ungroup—Ungroups grouped graphical elements.
Front—Pops the selected graphical element or group to the front of the view.
Back—Pops the selected text, graphics, or group to the back of the view.
Data Select—Lets you select a subset of the data that is plotted in the view window. Use the mouse to select a point or draw a rectangle around the data you want to select. Selected data can be exported to another VDA Tool with the File=>Export Selected Data command. Information about the selected data is printed in the Message Area.
Irregular Data Select—Lets you draw an irregular boundary around a specific region of interest in your data. Press and drag the left mouse button to define the irregular region. The region closes when you release the mouse button. Selected data can be exported to another VDA Tool with the File=>Export Selected Data command.
Object Select—Lets you select graphical elements in the plot using the mouse. Graphics elements include text, lines, ellipses, rectangles, legends, and axes. Selected graphics elements can be cut, copied, pasted, deleted, or grouped. For more information on selecting graphical elements, click here.