PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzContour > Changing the Color of Contour Lines
Changing the Color of Contour Lines
By default, each contour line is assigned a unique color. When all of the plot colors in the color table are used up, the image colors from the color table are used.
You can change the color of selected contour lines. To change the color of a contour line, follow these steps:
1. Choose Attributes=>Contour Attributes. The Contour Attributes dialog box appears.
2. In the Contour # list box, click MB1 on the contour level you want to change. Contour level numbering begins with level 1 at the outer edge of the plot and increases contour numbers as you move toward the center of the plot.
3. Click the Contour Color button. This brings up the Contour Color dialog box. Use this dialog box to choose a color for the selected contour line. The selected color is reflected in the color square in the Contour Attributes dialog box.
4. Click OK or Apply in the Contour Attributes dialog box to apply the new color to the selected contour line.
See Also