Data Extraction Routines
BYTE (expr, offset [, dim1, ... , dimn] )
Extracts data from an expression and places it in a byte scalar or array.
COMPLEX (expr, offset, dim1 [, dim2, ... , dimn ] )
Extracts data from an expression and places it in a complex scalar or array.
DCOMPLEX (expr, offset, dim1 [, dim2, ... , dimn ] )
Extracts data from an expression and places it in a complex scalar or array.
DOUBLE (expr, offset, dim1 [, ..., dimn ] )
Extracts data from an expression and places it in a double- precision floating-point scalar or array.
FIX (expr, offset, dim1 [, ..., dimn ] )
Extracts data from an expression and places it in a integer scalar or array.
FLOAT (expr, offset, dim1 [, ..., dimn ] )
Extracts data from an expression and places it in a single- precision floating-point scalar or array.
INT32 (expr, offset, dim1 [, ... , dimn ] )
Extracts data from an expression and places it in a longword integer scalar or array.
LONG (expr, offset, dim1 [, ... , dimn ] )
Extracts data from an expression and places it in a longword integer scalar or array.