Data Conversion Routines
BYTE (expr)
Converts an expression to byte data type.
BYTSCL (array)
Scales and converts an array to byte data type.
COMPLEX (real [, imaginary] )
Converts an expression to complex data type.
DCOMPLEX (expr, offset, dim1 [, dim2, ... , dimn ] )
Converts an expression to double-precision complex data type.
DOUBLE (expr)
Converts an expression to double-precision floating-point data type.
FIX (expr)
Converts an expression to integer data type.
FLOAT (expr)
Converts an expression to single-precision floating-point data type.
INT32 (expr)
Converts an expression to longword integer data type.
LONG (expr)
Converts an expression to longword integer data type.
Converts input to the nearest integer.
SCL(in_array, top, ... keywords)
Emulates BYTSCL function but for all data types.
SCLNONLIN(a, p, b)
Performs general scaling of array values (generalizes SCL).
STRING (expr1, ... , exprn)
Converts the input parameters to characters and returns a string expression.