GUI Development
Concurrent Processing Routines
Adds a single new item to the EXEC_ON_SELECT list.
Drops a single item from the EXEC_ON_SELECT list.
Registers callback procedures on input for a vector of logical unit numbers (LUNs).
Waits for input on any list of logical unit numbers.
WAVE Widget Utilities
Creates a window for animating a sequence of images.
Creates a simple color bar that can be used to view and interactively shift a PV‑WAVE color table.
Creates a full-featured set of menus and widgets enclosed in a window; this window allows you to edit the values in PV‑WAVE color tables in many different ways.
Displays slider and returns user-selected slider value.
Creates a simple widget that can be used interactively to modify a PV‑WAVE color table.
Creates a file selection widget which lets the user display the contents of directories and select files.
Creates a window with a built-in set of controls; these controls allow you to easily view and modify an iso-surface taken from a three-dimensional block of data.
Displays a list of items and returns an array of indices into the list corresponding to user-selected items.
Creates an interactive window for viewing objects.
Creates a window that cycles through a sequence of images.
Creates a GUI with sliders allowing the user to modify pixel values of the image and get basic statistics of the image.
Creates a window with a built-in set of controls; these controls allow you to easily select and view “slices” from a three-dimensional block of data.
Views multiple images in a slide show widget.
Creates a window that displays data in a style that simulates a real-time, moving strip chart.
Creates a surface window with a built-in set of controls: these controls allow you to interactively modify surface parameters and view the result of those modifications.
Displays a single-line text field for user input.
Creates a scrolling window for viewing text from a file or character string.
VDA Tools Manager Routines
Adds selected variables from a VDA Tool to the list of selected variables in the Tools Manager.
Adds a variable to a VDA Tool.
Adds axes to a VDA Tool.
Writes a specified string to the code generation file.
Copies the selected graphical elements from the specified VDA Tool to the clipboard.
Cuts the selected graphical elements from the specified VDA Tool and moves them to the clipboard.
Removes variables from a VDA Tool.
Permanently deletes the selected graphical elements from the specified VDA Tool.
Clears the current list of selected variables.
Displays selected data in all active VDA Tools, provided that the VDA Tools can display the related variable(s).
Closes the file in which generated code is written.
Obtains the attributes for a specified graphical element, variable, or other item in a VDA Tool.
Obtains the items defined for a specified VDA Tool.
Obtains the methods that were set for a VDA Tool.
Returns the names of variables on the selected variables list.
Returns all the registered VDA Tool names.
Returns all the variables associated with an instance of a VDA Tool.
Executes a method that was set by TmSetMethod.
Exports $MAIN$-level variables to specified VDA Tools or to all currently active VDA Tools.
Exports the contents of the variable selection list to specified VDA Tools.
Returns the value that was set for an attribute in a VDA Tool instance.
Loads a string resource file into the resource database and extracts a message string from the database.
Returns the data structure of the specified method.
Gets the top-level widget ID for a VDA Tool.
Returns a unique name for a particular instance of a specified VDA Tool.
Returns the $MAIN$ level name of a variable.
Initializes the VDA Tools Manager layer.
Creates a list item.
Adds a new item at the end of the specified list.
Resets a specified list to its initial state, clearing all previously defined items.
Deletes an item in the specified list.
Clears all items and destroys the list.
Extends the specified list by adding empty items.
Returns the procedure name associated with the specified list method name.
Inserts a new item into the specified list.
Replaces an item in a list with a new item.
Gets the items currently set in the specified list.
Sets the method procedure name for a specific list method.
Pastes the graphical elements from the clipboard to the specified VDA Tool.
Registers a VDA Tool with the Tools Manager.
Restores a saved VDA Tool template.
Restores the VDA Tools that were saved with the TmSaveTools procedure.
Saves the specified VDA Tools in a file.
Set an attribute for an item in the given VDA Tool.
Sets a method for a given VDA Tool.
Opens a file into which PV‑WAVE code is written.
Removes the specified VDA Tool from the Tools Manager registry.
VDA Tools Manager Graphical Element Routines
Adds a graphical element to the graphical element list for the specified instance of a VDA Tool.
Adds a graphical element to the graphical element selection list.
Adds axes to a VDA Tool.
Adds a bitmap (2D array) to a VDA Tool.
Sets the specified graphical element to be on the bottom of the display list (displayed behind the other graphical elements).
Removes a specified graphical element from the list of graphical elements associated with a VDA Tool instance.
Deletes a graphical element from the list of selected graphical elements.
Obtain a list of all the methods set for a graphical element in a specified VDA Tool.
Returns all the graphical elements that were set for a given VDA Tool.
Obtains a list of graphical elements or other items currently on the graphical items selection list.
Executes a method for a graphical method based on the method name.
Obtains the data structure for the specified method.
Returns the rectangular boundary of a graphical element.
Obtains a unique name based on the name of the specified graphical element.
Groups a number of selected graphical elements as one graphical element with a unique name.
Adds a legend to a VDA Tool. The exact size and position of the legend is determined interactively by the user.
Adds a line to a VDA Tool. The exact length and position of the line is determined interactively by the user.
Adds a rectangle to a VDA Tool. The exact size and position of the rectangle is determined interactively by the user.
Sets the name of the method procedure for a given method name and graphical element.
Sets selection rectangle for graphical element, or set of graphical elements.
Adds text to a VDA Tool. The position of the text and the text itself are determined interactively by the user.
Sets the specified graphical element to be at the top of the display list (displayed in front of other graphical elements).
Ungroups a group of graphical elements.
VDA Utilities Routines
Adds a bank of buttons to a button bar.
Adds a message to a message area created by WoMessage.
Display a message in the status bar of a VDA Tool.
Returns the full path name for a specified resource file.
Creates predefined, two-row button bar that can be included in a VDA Tool.
Changes the setting of a button in a button bar.
Sets the sensitivity of one or more buttons on a button bar.
Confirms if a file is readable or writable.
Creates a button that brings up a color table dialog box used to set colors in a VDA Tool. The button has an associated color pixmap that reflects the currently selected color.
Gets the currently selected color index from a color button created by WoColorButton.
Sets the current color index for a color button created by WoColorButton, and updates the color button’s color pixmap.
Convert from a long RGB value to an index into the current color table, or from an index in the current color table to an RGB value.
Creates a grid of color squares from the current color table.
Gets the color indices for a range of colors in a color grid.
Sets the color indices for a range of colors in the color grid.
Creates a color wheel that can be used to modify a single color in the current color table.
Displays a dialog box requiring the user to confirm a window close action.
Saves or restores the status of a dialog box by saving or restoring the state of its widgets as stored in the Tools Manager.
Creates an option menu with the standard list of software (vector-drawn) fonts found in PV‑WAVE.
Gets the software font command for the currently selected font.
Sets the current font and updates the font option menu.
Creates a generic dialog box for use in VDA Tools.
Gets the unique name of a VDA tool given the unique window title of the VDA Tool.
Given a window title, adds a numeric suffix to make the title unique.
Creates a group of aligned text widgets (widgets with a label and a text field).
Creates an option menu for selecting linestyles.
Gets the currently selected linestyle.
Sets the option menu to a specified linestyle.
Loads resources and strings from a file for VDA tools.
Loads strings from a resource file for use by the VDA tools.
Create a menu bar for a VDA Tool.
Sets the sensitivity of one or more items in a menu.
Sets the status of a menu toggle button.
Creates a message area for a VDA Tool
Saves graphics from a specified VDA Tool as a pixmap.
Changes the cursor for a VDA Tool.
Assigns a pixmap to be the icon for a VDA Tool.
Specifies a unique title for a VDA Tool window.
Create a status bar for a VDA Tool.
Creates an option menu containing the names of all of the variables associated with the current tool.
Gets the currently selected variable name from an option menu that was created with the WoVariableOptionMenu function.
Sets the current selection in the variable option menu.
WAVE Widgets Routines
Creates a modal (blocking) or modeless (non-blocking) popup alert box containing a message and optional control buttons.
Destroys an alert box.
Creates horizontal or vertical box containing push buttons.
Adds or removes a WAVE Widgets callback.
Creates a command window.
Creates a box containing sliders.
Creates a blocking or nonblocking dialog box.
Creates a drawing area, which allows users to display graphics generated by PV‑WAVE.
Creates a file selection widget, which lets the user display the contents of directories and select files.
Creates a generic dialog box that can be filled with custom widgets.
Obtains the index of a pressed or released button passed as an event structure by a WAVE Widgets event handler.
Obtains the ASCII value of a pressed or released key passed as an event structure by a WAVE Widgets event handler.
Obtains the coordinates of a selected point inside a widget. The selected point coordinates are passed in an event structure by a WAVE Widgets event handler.
Returns a specific value for a given widget.
Adds or removes a WAVE Widgets event handler from a widget.
Initializes the WAVE Widgets environment, opens the display, creates the first top-level shell, and creates a layout widget.
Creates a layout widget that is used to control the arrangement of other widgets.
Creates a scrolling list widget.
Manages the contents of a list widget.
Handles the dispatching of events and calling of PV‑WAVE callbacks.
Creates a top-level window and a layout widget.
Creates a menu bar.
Adds, modifies, or deletes specified menu items.
Creates a blocking or nonblocking message box.
Adds or removes a multi-click event handler.
Creates an option menu.
Creates a modal file selection dialog that blocks until a file name has been selected.
Creates a popup menu.
Creates an ASCII data preview widget.
Manages the contents of a preview widget.
Creates a box containing radio buttons.
Queries, creates, saves, or modifies the widget resource database.
Creates a horizontal or vertical line that separates components in a graphical user interface.
Sets the cursor for a widget.
Sets the specified value for a given widget.
Creates an editable 2D array of cells containing string data, similar to a spreadsheet.
Manages the contents of a table widget.
Creates a text widget that can be used for both single-line text entry or as a full text editor. In addition, this function can create a static text label.
Registers a WAVE Widgets timer procedure.
Creates an array of graphic buttons (icons).
Widget Toolbox Routines
Registers a PV‑WAVE callback routine for a given widget.
Registers the X event handler function for a given widget.
Closes the current Xt (Motif) session, and destroys all children of the top-level widget created in WtInit. This routine can also be used to destroy additional widget trees.
Creates a widget or shell instance specified by widget class.
Sets or changes the cursor.
Retrieves widget resources.
Initializes the Widget Toolbox and the Xt toolkit, opens the display, and creates the first top-level shell.
Registers a PV‑WAVE input source handler procedure.
Controls the characteristics of scrolling list widgets.
Maps a KeyPress or KeyRelease event to its KeyEvent structure (and optionally, to its Keysym) when a user presses a key.
Handles the dispatching of events and calling of PV‑WAVE callback routines.
Handles the dispatching of events.
The pointer utility function.
Handles utility functions for the preview widget (XvnPreview).
Handles the dispatching of a Widget Toolbox event.
Queries, creates, saves, or modifies the widget resource database.
Sets widget resources.
Modifies an xbaeMatrix class widget.
Registers a callback function for a given timer.
Registers a PV‑WAVE work procedure for background processing.