PV-WAVE Foundation > Reference Guide > Functional Summary of Routines > Color Table Manipulation Routines
Color Table Manipulation Routines
Standard Library procedure that displays the current color table colors and their associated color table indices.
HLS, ltlo, lthi, stlo, sthi, hue, lp [, rgb]
Standard Library procedure that generates and loads color tables into an image display device based on the HLS color system. The resulting color table is loaded into the display system.
HSV, vlo, vhi, stlo, sthi, hue, lp [, rgb]
Standard Library procedure that generates and loads color tables into an image display device based on the HSV color system. The final color table is loaded into the display device.
LOADCT [, table_number]
Standard Library procedure that loads a predefined color table.
MODIFYCT, table, name, red, green, blue
Standard Library procedure that lets you replace one of the PV‑WAVE color tables (defined in the colors.tbl file) with a new color table.
PSEUDO, ltlo, lthi, stlo, sthi, hue, lp [, rgb]
Standard Library procedure that creates a pseudo color table based on the Hue, Lightness, Saturation (HLS) color system.
STRETCH, low, high
Standard Library procedure that linearly expands the range of the color table currently loaded to cover an arbitrary range of pixel values.
TVLCT, v1, v2, v3 [, start]
Loads the display color translation tables from the specified variables.
WgCbarTool [, parent [, shell [, windowid [, movedCallback], [, range]]]]
Creates a simple color bar that can be used to view and interactively shift a color table.
WgCeditTool [, parent [, shell ]]
Creates a full-featured set of menus and widgets enclosed in a window; this window allows you to edit the values in PV‑WAVE color tables in many different ways.
WgCtTool [, parent [, shell ]]
Creates a simple widget that can be used interactively to modify a PV‑WAVE color table.