Array Manipulation Routines
Computes the conjugate transpose of a matrix.
AFFINE(a, b, [c])
Applies an affine transformation to an array.
ARRAYTRACE( b[, j, k] )
Computes the trace of a matrix or a tensor contraction on a multidimensional array.
Obtains the key names for a given associative array.
AVG (array [, dim] )
Standard Library function that returns the average value of an array. Optionally, it can return the average value of one dimension of an array.
BILINEAR (array, x, y)
Standard Library function that creates an array containing values calculated using a bilinear interpolation to solve for requested points interior to an input grid specified by the input array.
BLOB (a, i, b)
Isolates a homogeneous region in an array.
Counts homogeneous regions in an array.
Computes the boundary of a region in an array.
Standard Library function that calculates a simple correlation coefficient for two arrays.
Returns the Cartesian product of some arrays.
Computes the cumulative sum over an array or over one dimension of an array.
Standard Library function that computes curvatures on a parametrically defined surface.
DICM_TAG_INFO (filename, image)
Extracts Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) tags information from an image associative array.
DETERM (array)
Standard Library function that calculates the determinant of a square, two-dimensional input variable.
DERIVN(a, n)
Differentiates a function represented by an array.
Standard Library function that transforms the Euclidean metric for a Jacobian j = Jacobian( f )
EXPAND(a, d, i)
Expands an array into higher dimensions.
Finds the local extrema in an array.
Calculates the geometric mean of an array.
HISTN(d [, axes])
Computes an n dimensional histogram.
Returns the density function of an array.
INDEX_AND(array1, array2)
Computes the logical AND for two vectors of positive integers.
INDEX_CONV( a, i )
Converts one-dimensional indices to n-dimensional indices, or n-dimensional indices to 1D indices.
INDEX_OR(array1, array2)
Computes the logical OR for two vectors of positive integers.
INTRP(a, n, x)
Interpolates an array along one of its dimensions.
ISASKEY(asarr, key)
Matches a key name in a given associative array.
Standard Library function that computes the Jacobian of a function represented by n m-dimensional arrays
MAX (array [, max_subscript] )
Returns the value of the largest element in an input array.
MEDIAN (array [, width] )
Finds the median value of an array, or applies a one- or two- dimensional median filter of a specified width to an array.
MIN (array [, min_subscript] )
Returns the value of the smallest element in array.
MOMENT(a, i)
Computes moments of an array.
Finds the neighbors of specified array elements.
Standard Library function that computes unit normals on a parametrically defined surface.
PADIT( a, [b] )
Pads an array with variable thickness.
Returns the product of all elements in an array.
REBIN (array, dim1, ..., dimn)
Returns a vector or array resized to the given dimensions.
REFORM (array, dim1, ... , dimn)
Reformats an array without changing its values numerically.
REPLV(vector, dim_vector, dim)
Replicates a vector into an array.
RESAMP(array, dim1, ..., dimn)
Resamples an array to new dimensions.
REVERSE (array, dimension)
Standard Library function that reverses a vector or array for a given dimension.
ROTATE (array, direction)
Returns a rotated and/or transposed copy of the input array.
SAME(x, y)
Tests if two variables are the same.
SHIF(array, dimension, shift_amount)
Shifts an array along one of its dimensions.
SHIFT (array, shift1, ... , shiftn)
Shifts the elements of a vector or array along any dimension by any number of elements.
SIGMA (array [, npar, dim] )
Standard Library function that calculates the standard deviation value of an array.
SLICE(array, dimension, indices)
Subsets an array along one of its dimensions.
SMOOTH (array, width)
Smooths an array with a boxcar average of a specified width.
SORT (array)
Sorts the contents of an array.
SORTDIM (array, dimension)
Sorts one dimension of a multidimensional array.
Sorts a matrix by its rows.
SPMVM (n, m, r, c, v )
Multiplies a sparse matrix and a dense vector.
STDEV (array [, mean] )
Standard Library function that computes the standard deviation and (optionally) the mean of the input array.
Compute the generalized tensor product of two arrays.
TOTAL (array)
Sums the elements of an input array.
Transposes the input array.
Finds the unique rows in a matrix.
Applies a binary operator to a vector and each vector along one dimension of an array.
Returns the index of the first 1 in array of 0’s and 1’s.
Returns a longword vector containing the one-dimensional subscripts of the nonzero elements of the input array.
Find the indices into an array where the values occur in a second array; keywords yield intersection, union, and complement.
Finds the vectors in a matrix that occur in a second matrix.
Finds monotone sequences in a one-dimensional array.