Image IO Routines
DICM_TAG_INFO (filename, image)
Extracts Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) tags information from an image associative array.
Determines that the input variable is an image associative array. The function also checks to make sure that all fields in the image associative array are present.
IMAGE_COLOR_QUANT( image [, n_colors] )
Quantizes a 24-bit image to 8-bit pseudo color.
Creates an image associative array. See the Discussion section for detailed information on the image format.
Displays an image.
Return the type of a specified image file.
Reads image files and returns an image associative array.
IMAGE_WRITE(filename, image)
Writes PV‑WAVE graphics to a specified file type.
READ_XBM, file, image
Reads the contents of an X-bitmap (XBM) file into a PV‑WAVE variable.
WRITE_XBM, file, image
Writes an image to an X-bitmap (XBM) file.