Editing Graphics
The Edit Menu and Button Bar
Each graphical VDA Tool has an Edit menu and a button bar, which contain functions that let you manipulate (for example, cut, copy, and paste) graphical elements.
For detailed information on the Edit menu and button bar, bring up the online Help Contents for the VDA Tool and use the Menus and Button Bar links.
Attributes Dialog Box
To edit a graphics object’s attributes, do the following:
1. Select the graphics object.
2. Choose Attributes=>Selected Object. The Attributes dialog box appears.
3. Make changes in the dialog box and click OK or Apply.
You can set up default attributes for any graphics object by selecting one of the default attributes commands from the Attributes menu. For example, Attributes=>Line Defaults brings up the Line Attributes dialog box. Once you set the defaults for an object, all subsequent graphics objects will share the same attributes.