PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzColorEdit > Changing a Range of Colors
Changing a Range of Colors
You can change a range of colors within the color table by using the ramp functions found in the Edit menu. The procedure for modifying a range of colors includes the following steps.
1. Select the color table location to begin the ramp. Do this by positioning the cross-hair pointer over the color cell in the color table, and then click MB1.
When the color is selected, its color table index number appears in both the Selected Color and the Ramp Start text fields in the controls area.
The colors for the beginning and end points of the ramp can be modified before the ramp function is applied. For more information, click here.
2. Select the color table location for the ramp end. Position the cross-hair pointer on the color cell and press <Shift>-MB1. The selected color’s index number appears in the Selected Color and Ramp End text fields.
3. Select the appropriate ramp function (Linear Ramp, Exponential Ramp, or Logarithmic Ramp) from the Edit menu. The ramped colors appear in the color table between the specified ramp start and ramp end points.